Video - Highway of Haunts: The Fog That Devours
The freeway stretched endlessly, an asphalt serpent under a moonless sky. As Ethan sped towards the horizon, a thick fog rolled in, its tendrils snaking around his car like ghostly hands. His radio crackled, a voice whispering, "Turn back." Ethan's grip tightened on the wheel. This was the same road where countless accidents occurred, where drivers vanished into the mist, never to be seen again. His heartbeat quickened, the fog thickening until his headlights barely penetrated the gloom. Suddenly, a figure appeared on the road—a woman in a tattered white dress, her face obscured by a curtain of wet hair. Ethan swerved, tires screeching, but it was too late. He felt the sickening thud, the car jolting with impact. He skidded to a stop, breath ragged, and dared to look back. The road was empty. Heart pounding, he stepped out, the mist swallowing him whole. He searched, calling out, but there was no sign of the woman. Then he saw it—a line of cars, twisted and rusted, half-buried in the fog. Their windows were shattered, interiors stained with dark, dried blood. In each driver's seat, a lifeless figure slumped, eyes wide with terror. Ethan's own reflection stared back at him from the cracked mirror of his car, its eyes hollow and unseeing. The fog closed in, and he knew—he was just the latest victim of the freeway's insatiable hunger.